Soapmaking Studio

Soap cat, Pearl the second mascot of the Soapmaking Studio in San Diego County, California.

Soap Cat—Pearl

Pearl the Mascot, 2009-2018

Pearl had been a homeless stray living at the local Post Office. The postal employees would treat her to cans of cat food on the back loading docks but could not offer her a permanent home, so I brought home baby kitten Pearl when she was only five weeks old. She was thin but passed a physical exam at the vet with flying colors.

Baby Pearl as a Kitten

Dave fell in love with Pearl at first sight. She became his "Baby Kitty" and he still spoils her at every opportunity. Pearl seemed to know Kit Kat was a much older cat and didn't pester him for play time. Instead, she quickly took to fetching a small ball and taking it to Dave's feet for him to throw for her over and over. In fact, after repeated rounds of fetch with the ball, Dave would usually tire before Pearl.

Pearl in a Chair

Pearl continued to eat, sleep, and play, while leaving the chores of being a hardworking mascot to Kit Kat.

Pearl Lounging in Her Bed

When Pearl was two-and-a-half years old, after more eating, more sleeping, more playing, and finally growing to fill her bed, Kit Kat passed away and Pearl seemed anxious to undertake the responsibilities of Soapmaking Studio mascot.

Pearl Asleep in Her Bed

Although kept safely away from the soapmaking areas, eager Pearl can't wait to help with soapmaking cleanup.

Pearl the Helper Cat

Without question, her favorite chore is checking each received shipment of supplies for overlooked items in supposedly empty boxes.

Pearl Loves Boxes on Receiving Days

After classes, Pearl loves to run from her room down the hall into the classroom area to greet students and walk them to the door. She is allowed outdoors but only on supervised excursions. Like my beloved Kit Kat, Pearl wholeheartedly enjoys the catnip.

Pearl in the Catnip

Unfortunately, she is also rather enthusiastic about her food and as Dave says, "She's not fat; she's full of love." So, when someone is available to go out into the yard with her, she is able to exercise out in the fresh air.

Pearl Playing Outdoors

Pearl is a very friendly, mild-mannered, easy going cat who enjoys the company of strangers. So, if you see her at the Soapmaking Studio, bend down and give her a pat on the head—she'll be receptive and grateful. If, on the other hand, you are afraid of or allergic to cats, let us know and we'll keep Princess Pearl in her room.

Pearl the Mascot

Our sweet Princess Pearl suffered sudden massive kidney failure on March 12, 2018, and is no longer with us. Kind patrons and students still ask about her and remember her fondly; we miss her every day.

View soapmaking classes, the schedule, or store hours.

Classes are held at a private home occupied by a pet cat. If you are allergic to cats, please contact prior to enrolling in a class.