Soapmaking Studio

Attend online classes or in person classes at the A+ Soapmaking Studio in Lemon Grove, San Diego County, California. Learn how to make soap, sell soap, and how to make cosmetics and sell cosmetics. A private vocational school, crafting and business school, where the public may purchase soapmaking supplies locally or online.

Our Soapmaking Supply Store is Open and Classes are in Session!

Our physical store location is open and classes are in session. Check the Soapmaking Studio hours. View the schedule of classes.

Tuesdays, Thursdays, holidays, and dates below.
Additional Closures:
Monday, September 2, 2024—closed (Labor Day)
Sunday, October 13, 2024—close at 1:00 pm (Soapmakers' Luncheon)

Intermediate Gel Soapmaking

Sunday, August 11, 2024, at the Soapmaking Studio

Make Thick Gel Soap for Antibacterial Hand Soap or Rich Shower Gel!

New Class!

Soapmaking 216 is an intermediate-level soapmaking class to teach students to make gel soap using the hot process soapmaking method. Gel soap is thicker than liquid soap and requires different ingredients to prevent a film or skin from forming on top of gel soap. Unlike liquid soap, which must be dispensed from a foam pump, gel soap is easily dispensed from any pump bottle. Gel soap may be used as shower gel, body wash, face soap, hand soap, or bubble bath. This class includes information on a simple FDA-approved ingredient for making antibacterial gel soap. Each student receives a bottle of gel soap made during the class. Attend in person or online. Register for Soapmaking 216.

Aromatherapy Natural Perfume Class

Sunday, August 18, 2024, at the Soapmaking Studio

Make Aromatherapeutic Perfume from Essential Oils and Take Them Home!

Aromatherapy Natural Perfume, Essential Oils

In Aromatherapy Natural Perfume Class, learn the basics of aromatherapy and natural perfumery. Unveil the secrets of blending essential oils by using scent categories and fragrance notes. Design custom fragrances from essential oils aromatherapeutically created to inspire specific emotions and memory triggers. Learn the different techniques for blending perfumes in a base of natural grain alcohol, in a base of jojoba oil, and in a base of cyclomethicone. Create your own natural essential oil perfumes in the class and take them home. Register for Aromatherapy Natural Perfume Class.

National Soapmaking Day!

Beginning Cold Process Soapmaking

Sunday, September 29, 2024, at the Soapmaking Studio

Learn How to Make Cold Process Soap with No Cure Time!

Cold Process Soap Batter in the Soap Pot Pouring Cold Process Soap into Wooden Molds

For National Soapmaking Day, learn to make soap! Soapmaking 101 is a beginning-level soapmaking class designed to teach students to make soap by hand at home. The main focus of this class is the "cold process" soapmaking method; although the class does briefly describe "melt & pour" soap crafting. After learning soapmaking safety, students learn to formulate soap recipes and calculate lye quantities without using a "lye calculator." The objective of Soapmaking 101 is to have students understand saponification values and be comfortable creating their own soap recipes at home. Students make cold process soap during the class session and take home a bar. Attend in person or online.

This class is also available online: Description of Online Soapmaking 101.

Soapmakers' Luncheon

Sunday, October 13, 2024, at Marie Callender's Restaurant

Donate Soap Before the Soapmakers' Luncheon

To have your company advertised on Soap Donation Center's prestigious Donated Soap list, bring a tax-deductible donation of homemade soap at 1:30 pm, before the soap meetup luncheon. View details on how to Donate Soap to Soap Donation Center.

Flyer for Soap Makers' Luncheon PDF

Network with Southern California Soap and Cosmetic Crafters!

Soapmakers Luncheon, 2nd Sunday of April and October in San Diego, California

This luncheon is open to all soapmakers and makers of personal care products, whether professional or novice, whether cold/hot process method or "melt and pour." The Soapmakers' Luncheon is open to the public and attendance is free, just pay for anything you order from the menu. Our friendly soap meetup group is casual and provides a means of networking with local soapy artisans. Attend this creative handmade soaps and DIY bodycare meetup group luncheon at any level: Professional soapmaker, hobbyist soaper, or beginning crafter. The soap lunch venue is Marie Callender's restaurant on Alvarado Road in San Diego at 2:00 pm. Map & Directions. View the Soapmakers' Luncheon Agenda.

Marie Callender's Restaurant
6950 Alvarado Rd
San Diego, CA 92120

Soapmaking Classes

Soapmaking Classes are Fun, Understandable, and Affordable!

Learn how to make soap at the Soapmaking Studio in San Diego County, California!

Soapmaking 101 Beginning Cold Process Soapmaking has been a huge success and fills weeks in advance; the next class will be Sunday, September 29, 2024! The next Soapmaking 210 Advanced Cold/Hot Process Soapmaking will be soon. Soap Garden 224 Cultivating, Drying, and Adding Herbs to Soap and Soapmaking 220 Coloring and Scenting Soap are both available and open for registration. Our popular Soapmaking Supplies are available for Standard Shipping or free Store Pickup.
Please check back because classes are added and website sections are updated on a regular basis. Email with any questions.

Soap Swirling Techniques Soap Bars Drying on the Soap Rack

View soapmaking classes, the schedule, or store hours.

Classes are held at a private home occupied by a pet cat. If you are allergic to cats, please contact prior to enrolling in a class.